Monday, December 17, 2007

Training Week 1: 12/17/07 - 12/23/07

Planned Training
Monday - 12/17:
AM - rest done (heh)
PM - Swim = 1 hr Master's swim done
Tuesday - 12/18:
AM - Bike = 1 hr 10 min trainer workout (Spinervals) done
PM - Strength = 45 min workout (Pushups, Dips, Pull ups, Leg Press, 3 sets of 50 jumping jacks, Squats, Core routine.) done
Wednesday - 12/19:
AM - Run = 30 min easy run, Strength = core routine done
PM - Swim = 1 hr Master's swim done
Thursday - 12/20:
AM - Bike = 1 hr trainer workout (Spinervals) done
PM - Run = 40 min easy run, Strength = core routine done
Friday - 12/21:
AM - Run = 35 min easy run, Strength = core routine done
PM - Swim = 1 hr Master's swim done
Saturday - 12/22:
AM - Bike = 1 hr 15 min ride done
PM - Run = 8 mile long run with Zac (Changed to 1 hr scheduled run due to Zac's injury) done
Sunday - 12/23:
Rest day!

Weekly S/B/R Compliance (based on BT training plan):
Swim = 171 min/140 min = 122%
Bike = 204 min/200 min = 102%
Run = 231 min/165 min = 140%

Total SBR training time for Week #1 = 10.1 hrs

Monday, 12/17/07 Update:
Yesterday Zac and I journeyed up to Surprise, AZ for the Desert Classic 30K run. We decided to do the relay, which consisted of a 5K, 10K, 10K, 5K run (in that order). Zac wanted to do 10K then 5K, so that left me starting out with the first 5K. My goal for the whole thing was to not push it too hard, as I had to get started with IM training this week.

Here are the results:
Lap 1, 5K, Elaine = 29:45 (9:36 min/mi avg)
Lap 2, 10K, Zac = 1:02:42 (10:06 min/mi avg)
Lap 3, 10K, Elaine = 1:03:20 (10:13 min/mi avg)
Lap 4, 5K, Zac = 28:54 (9:19 min/mi avg)

Total = 3:04:41 (9:55 min/mi avg)

That was my fastest 5K time (previous best was 9:50 min/mi during one of the summer aquathlons) and 10K (this was my first 10K). I was just glad to stay out of the 11s. I was happy with averaging 10 min/mi for the whole thing, especially since last year at this time I was averaging 11:30s - 12s for runs that were about 6 miles in length. So I think the base fitness is finally starting to show.

Tonight I kick of IM training with Master's swim. I haven't been in months, and the last time I was in the water was the Blue Water olympic tri in mid-November. So this workout should be interesting. Hopefully I'll survive the 2000+ yards. I should be back where I was swim-wise after a few weeks of sticking with the swim training 3X per week. I'm just not looking forward to getting in the pool when it's 40 degrees outside. At least the pool is heated to 80 degrees (according to the website).

Thursday, 12/20/07 Update:
My quads are in a perpetual state of pain. Ever since the race on Sunday they have been hurting. I'm trying to avoid stairs, but that's hard to do when you live in a 2 story house. After all, the only functioning bathroom is upstairs. I guess if it got bad, I could live in the RV in the front yard. Just when my legs start to feel the slightest bit better I go and run more, like an idiot. Saturday is not going to be pretty. It's going to be a whole lot of ugly on the Tucson streets.

The pool is freakishly cold. The thermometer says 80 degrees, but it's a lie. Last night I seriously considered bringing my wetsuit. Sure, I'd look like a goofball to all those Master's swimmers, but then again, the guys are wearing speedos. Who are they to criticize? You can't stand around on the deck because the air is cold, and then you go and get in a pool with cold water. My fingernails had turned purple by the time I got in. I looked like a corpse. I hate being cold, and cold and wet is worse. I'm definitely attending the noon swim workouts during the next 2 weeks when I have time off of work. Other than being cold and uncomfortable, swimming is going well for the first week back. I've taken the first few workouts slow, focusing on form. Everytime I take a break from the pool, I have to get back into it slowly. My head has to get used to the side to side rolling again, and if I push it too much I get really nauseous. Puking in the pool is not a way to make friends, and the guys in speedos will look disfavorably upon you. But after a few weeks of regular swimming I go back to normal. It's just something I've discovered over the years, and over time it has gotten better.

I'm not looking forward to Saturday's training. Did I mention it will be ugly?


At 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read along and feel woefully unprepared as I see your great preparation!


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